Site: Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School
Admissions: $7.00 Students/Adults. Tickets can only be purchased by Debit/Credit Card Only! Conference passes will NOT be accepted.
Online Ticketing: At FVL until 5 PM today. NOT at ISA.
- Art Show Students: All students who exhibited art in the Art Show, pick up your work from the media center and take it home BEFORE you leave for spring break.
- Junior ACT Test Info: Mandatory Meeting During Contact Time:
●Last Name A-E - Tues., Mar. 5th
●Last Name F-N - Thurs., Mar. 7th
●Last Name O-Z - Fri., Mar. 8th
Meet in the Study Hall Room. No Need to check into your contact room. See your guidance counselor if you have a conflict or are absent.
Have a Blessed Day!