5/16/24 Announcements

Written on 05/16/2024
Fox Valley Lutheran HS

  • Seniors: Please see the email regarding graduation gowns from Mrs. Knoll.
  • Now is the time to get your lunch balance paid.  60 students still have a negative lunch balance. You will not receive your yearbook, your diploma, or your report card if you have a negative lunch balance.
  • Kramer's Contact Group: Meet in the PE Classroom today. (5/16) 
  • Yearbook Staff: Unboxing will be on Saturday starting at 11 a.m. See GC for directions.
  • Cross Country:  There will be a meeting today for those interested in running on the cross country team next fall in room 2508 during Contact Time.  Please bring your laptop.  
  • Football: All athletes planning on playing football next season should meet in the auditorium TODAY (5/16) during contact time. Please bring your cell phone and computer.
    Check-in with your contact time teacher first.
  • International Students returning for the 2024-2025 school year need to have Mrs. U sign your I-20 before you leave the country so that you can re-enter in August.
     Please take care of this ASAP!
  • Friday, May 17th, 7:00-10:00 PM: Doors close at 8 PM. NO OUTSIDE GUESTS. You must bring your school ID and $5 to get in. The theme is Beach/Summer/Vacation/Hawaiian

Have a Blessed Day!