Volunteers needed for the FVL VEX Experience - 2/15/25

Written on 02/01/2025
Fox Valley Lutheran HS

The FVL VEX Experience Robotics Tournament is coming up on Saturday, 2/15/2025! FVL will host up to 180 teams that will be attending from elementary through high school from all across the Fox Valley and the state. Help is needed for setup the day before as well as for and after the event. 

A lot of volunteers are needed to make this event successful. Volunteers during the event (Saturday) will receive a special shirt. All volunteers (both Friday and Saturday) will also be well taken care of with food and snacks.

Sign up to Volunteer at the VEX Experience

Sign up to be a judge (several events are listed - choose FVL VEX Experience)
 You don't have to be a robotics expert or super techy to be a judge, you just have to enjoy talking to kids about what they have learned and how they have solved problems. 

Please contact Nathan Nolte (nnolte@fvlhs.org) if you have any questions!