Homecoming September 27 - Halftime Alumni Recognition

Written on 08/23/2024
Fox Valley Lutheran HS


  • Join us on Friday, September 27, as our FVL Foxes take on Seymour for our Homecoming football game.
  • Arrive at 5:00 PM to take a tour of the school, stay to cheer for our Foxes, and get recognized during halftime! 
  • Stop by the alumni table for FREE admission to the game.

Plans are being made to recognize classes celebrating their 60, 50, 40, 25, 10-year reunions, and their 2024 graduation!

  • 60 years (1964)
  • 50 years (1974)
  • 40 years (1984)
  • 25 years (1999)
  • 10 years (2014)
  • May Graduation (2024)

Questions? Contact Mission Advancement Counselor Cody Bohl at alumni@fvlhs.org