- Please clean out your lockers before you leave for break. All food and drink needs to be cleared out.
- International Students traveling out of the country over break need to have Mrs. U sign your I-20 before you leave, or you will not be allowed to re-enter the USA when you return. See Mrs. U with questions!
- Seniors: As of 8:15am, 80 have NOT completed the YBK Google Classroom Form. Deadline is 5pm today.
- Cross and Crown Staff: pick up your Christmas item at Miss Detjen's office during lunch today.
- Intramural Basketball sign ups will be sent out in January! Information was sent to your email today.
- BOYS GOLF 2025 INFORMATION MEETING: Anyone interested in trying out for the boys golf team in 2025 is invited to an informational meeting about winter practices and the spring golf season. Date: Monday, January 6, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. Place: Trout Practice Center Golf Room
- End of Semester Student Surveys need to be completed by this Friday. Check your spam folder if you have not received the emails.
- SALT - Please fill out the interest form posted in Google classroom for 2nd Semester Events by December 20th.
- The Fitness Center will be closed after school on Friday.
- FVL Klubskie 2025: Get signed up today if you are interested in skiing and snowboarding with friends from FVL. Google Classroom Code: ffryo7a
December Dress-Up Days (Exam Week)
19: Seniors - Red, Juniors - Green, Sophomores- Blue, Freshmen - White
20: Ugly Sweater Day
Merry Christmas!