- Winter Pep Rally: Friday – Wear your FVL Gear!
- All Juniors: Please report to the Auditorium for contact time today for a College and Career Planning (CCP) Meeting. No need to check into your contact room teacher.
Bring your laptop. - The Athletic Training Room is collecting OLD SOCKS. Mismatched, holes anywhere in the sock – please, bring them into the AT room - we will Recycle them through Terracycle. Smart wool has combined with them to breakdown old socks and make new socks. Then, we can also collect points to donate to other causes. We have collected 40 pounds of socks, so far!! Let’s do more!!
- International Students and American Mentors please check Classroom for details on our Feb. 10 activity. See Mrs. U with questions!
- LOST & FOUND: Check the Lost & Found tables. Anything not claimed by 2/11 will be donated to the Bargain Garden.
- VEX EXPERIENCE - Volunteers NEEDED! February 14-15. Check your email to sign up.
- Winter Carnival: Saturday, Feb. 8. 7-10 PM. Cost is $10 - you must bring your Student I.D.
Have a Blessed Day!