- PLG Week - February 17-21. Email Mr. Blum for any questions.
- Pizza Fund Raiser: Feburay 11 - March 14, 2025. Two Options: Papers copies in the office or electric copy. Forms due March 12th. Pick up March 30th.
- A Cappella Choir – sectional rehearsals today. Please bring study materials to class.
- Girls PE Locker Room is closed TODAY at 4:30 pm. Please make sure everything is picked up and locked up!
- All Freshmen: Please report to the Auditorium for contact time today for a College and Career Planning (CCP) Meeting. No need to check into your contact room teacher. Bring your laptop.
- Yearbook Staff meets Tuesday after school.
- Math Team Practice is Wednesday at 3:25 in room 2504.
- Job Fair: The Summer Job Fair is coming up on March 11. More information via email soon!
- Speed and Agility workouts this week.
-Tuesday Afternoon 3:30 in Sports Center - Lost and Found: Anything not claimed by 2/11 will be donated to the Bargain Garden.
- VEX EXPERIENCE - Volunteers NEEDED! February 14-15. Check your email to sign up.
Have a Blessed Day!