- Juniors: It's time to register for the ACT test. We will be doing this during contact time in the study hall room over the next 2 weeks. Bring your laptops, phones & student ID.
- Friday 2/21: Last names F-J
- Boys Tennis: Interested in joining: Sign up on the Google Classroom. Code: yxaekrm
- Baseball Team: The baseball team is looking for managers this spring. Please contact Coach Malkowski if interested.
- The Boys PE Locker Room will be closed at 4:30 pm Today! Please pick up and lock up all items!
- Yearbook Staff: Meets right after school today! (13 days remain)
- Buddies from this week: If you have a fun photo with your buddy that you would like considered for our yearbook Buddy Week page, please send it to Miss Detjen today. Thank you!
- Open Gym: No girls open gym today, Friday, Feb 21.
- Save the Date: The summer Job Fair is coming up on Tuesday, March 11. More information via email soon!
- Pizza Fund Raiser: Don't forget to get out there and sell some pizzas! All money goes to tuition assistance. Forms were e-mailed out, you may pick up a copy in the office if you wish!
- Pi Digit Competition: Coming Soon! Start learning the digits of PI for the FVL Pi Digit Competition on March 14th. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers!
Have a Blessed Day!