- International Students traveling over Spring Break need to turn in a travel form to Mrs. U. If you are leaving the country you will need your I-20 signed as well. See Mrs. U with questions.
- The Open House event will be in the commons this evening. If possible, please exit the school promptly after classes to allow for setup. Thank you for your cooperation!
- There will be a baseball meeting during contact time Tuesday 3/11 for those interested in trying out for baseball. The meeting will be in Mr. Malkowski's room 2513. Please check in with your contact teacher first.
- Art Show Students: Please pick up your artwork from the media center and bring it home before spring break. 2D students please leave the matts behind.
- Pi Digit Competition: This Friday! Check your email for more information. Sign up by THURSDAY! Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers.
- Summer Job Fair: Tuesday, March 11 during Contact Time in the Small Gym. Registration link in email from Mr. Bohl. Print off PDF from confirmation email. Passes will be delivered by contact time Today! Questions? Email cbohl@fvlhs.org