3/5/24 Announcements

Written on 03/05/2024
Fox Valley Lutheran HS

  • WIAA Boys Basketball Sectional Game: 
    Site: Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School
    Admissions: $7.00 Students/Adults. Tickets can only be purchased by Debit/Credit Card Only! Conference passes will NOT be accepted.
    Online Ticketing: https://gofan.co/event/1445018?schoolId=WI87825 
  • Fan Bus  -  BBB Sectional Sign-up is now open on PayK 12. Cost is $10/person. The bus will depart from FVL at 4:30 pm. Sign-Up will be open until 8 am Wednesday! 
  • FVL Job Fair: If you haven't picked up your pass for the Job Fair, please stop by the front office. If you would still like to attend the fair, see Mr. Wendland in the front office after chapel.
  • Cross & Crown: Yearbook Deadline is this week. Work time every day until 5 pm in our room.
  • Softball: No open fields today. The fields are too wet. 
  • International Students leaving the country for Spring Break need to have Mrs. U sign your I-20 before you leave. See Mrs. U with questions. 
  • Art Show Students: All students who exhibited art in the Art Show,  pick up your work from the media center and take it home BEFORE you leave for spring break.
  • Junior ACT Test Info: Mandatory Meeting During Contact Time:
    ●Last Name A-E - Tues., Mar. 5th
    ●Last Name F-N - Thurs., Mar. 7th
    ●Last Name O-Z - Fri., Mar. 8th
    Meet in the Study Hall Room. No Need to check into your contact room. See your guidance counselor if you have a conflict or are absent.

Have a Blessed Day!