9/06/24 Announcements

Written on 09/06/2024
Fox Valley Lutheran HS


  • Seniors: T-Shirt Order - ALL Seniors need to go to concessions at lunch Friday or Monday to sign your name - Cost $10. 
  • VEX Robitics: Information meeting during contact time today (Sept. 6) in the STEM lab - room 225. Let Mr. Hoffmann know if you have any questions or need additional information. 
  • Choraliers will have a meeting in the choir room during contact time today. 
  • Softball Clinic: Anyone interested in helping in the youth softball clinic on Saturday from 1-4 PM talk to Coach Wilson ASAP. 
  • FVL Mascot ROCKY - if you are interested in being FVL's mascot at the Apple Bowl tonight, please email or speak to Mr. Hill - shill@fvlhs.org
  • Intramural Volleyball: Email sent out by Mr. U, Pickup sheets in the front office, Signups due by Mon. Sept.9, Held in the FVL gyms - Wednesdays 9/11, 9/18, 10/2, 10/16
  • Frolic Auditions: Sunday Sept.15 at 1:00pm - Sign-up sheets are in the school office
  • Bible Study: Check your email today for an opportunity to participate in a national online Bible study this Sunday. 
  • Spanish-Speaking Students: St. Paul, Green Bay is looking for Spanish-speaking students to assist with their ESL classes. Talk to Mrs. Bixby - wbixby@fvlhs.org - to get more information. 


Have a Blessed Day!