02/11/2025 Announcements
PLG Week - February 17-21. Email Mr. Blum for any questions.
02/10/2025 Announcements
International Students and American Mentors please meet in the FACE room right after school for our activity. Please leave everything in your locker until after our event. See Mrs. U with questions.
02/06/2025 Announcements
Winter Pep Rally: Friday – Wear your FVL Gear!
02/04/2025 Announcements
All Sophomores: Please report to the Auditorium for contact time today for a College and Career Planning (CCP) Meeting. No need to check into your contact room teacher.
02/03/2025 Announcements
International Students planning on returning to FVL for the 2025-2026 school year must attend a meeting TODAY during contact time in Study Hall. See Mrs. U with questions.
01/31/2025 Announcements
International Students and American Mentors please check Classroom for details on our Feb. 10 activity. See Mrs. U with questions!
01/29/2025 Announcements
The Girl’s PE Locker Room will be closed tomorrow at 4:30 pm (Thursday). Please make sure all items are cleaned up and locked up.